Surprising mom with a beautiful bouquet of flowers while helping the Hudson Scouts raise money for an upcoming trip will be a snap this weekend when members of the local troop will be selling fresh flower arrangements. The scouts will be at Pépinerie Champs des Rêves on Bedard Ave. in Saint Lazare, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (May 7 & 8), while members will additionally be on hand at Finnegan’s Market in Hudson from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. on May 7, selling bouquets (tulips, daisies, calla lilies and roses.) Homemade dog cookies will also be sold at Finnegan’s. Organizers say the proceeds will help scouts from the Vents, the group’s oldest age category, fund an upcoming trip to Newfoundland. The outdoor hiking and camping trip will include a visit to an extinct First Nations village, an iceberg and whale watching trip, the opportunity to hike ancient tablelands and explore a viking village. The Hudson Scouts are active throughout the year selling poppies for veterans for Remembrance Day, cleaning Sandy Beach in Hudson each year, collecting food and donations for local food banks, and more. The flower bouquets will range in price from $10-$30.
Lire la nouvelle Hudson Scouts selling Mother’s Day bouquets sur le site web VIVA média.